Love him, hate him, you still watch him. Tim Tebow has caught the attention of the nation with his comeback victories, team oriented attitudes, his work of the field and the kneel now known as "Tebowing." Is there more to it than that?
The biggest appeal towards Tim is he is different than most people we see on TV yet is relatable. He preaches we and not me, and somehow makes everyone on the team better (defense included). He can look dismal for 3 quarters then quietly win a game in the 4th quarter. He even openly stated in a press conference that he's a virgin. How many NFL players would do that?
One reason I think people watch Tebow is due to the adversity he has faced. As corny it is, that commercial he made stating all they said he couldn't do is inspiring (I don't remember what he was indorsing however). The media hounds him for his imperfections and remains an underdog in every situation, yet continuously proves them wrong. Its the same thing we seen in modern film. The movie will start with a lovable loser who fights through a struggle and eventually, in some awe inspiring feat comes out on top of the situation. If Tebow's story was a movie, my reaction would have been, no way! That would never happen in real life! Yet he's done it. Tebow's feats have stretched our imaginations and entertained us along the way.
Although there are a plethora of better quarterbacks, I wouldn't mind seeing Tebow's continued success in the league. I'd rather hear news segments about a fullback throwing a game winning touchdown pass than hearing Brett Favre is coming out of retirement again.
Yea i would like to see the T-man succeed in this league too. He's a player that seems to have his head on straight. When you have anyone with their head on straight, you know what you can expect out of him. regardless on his performance at times, he wins in the end, and when it comes down to it getting the W is what counts. Plus he still has time to grow as a player so hopefully that means better performances out of him.