That sounds awful right? My love for baseball shouldn’t be conditional of my favorite team’s success (or lack there of). I should be genuinely interested in the sport regardless of the record of my home team. Sadly that’s not the case.
I try though, I really do. I end up watching games that D’Backs are in (I grew up in AZ) but day in and day out I end up cursing myself for ever watching the sport. Players I’ve grown to admire and endear have underperformed. Some even have flat out sucked.
It’s caused a desdain between myself and the game of baseball, because I am constantly reminded of mediocrity. I’m not the only one that feels this way I’m sure. I mean the head coach, Kurt Gibson has even spoke of using a Ouija Board to look for answers. Whatever it takes I guess.
It’s not just the 2011 division winning D’Backs who are struggling through. I mean when the Baltimore Oriels are first in the AL East, you know baseball is having a wacky year so far. Teams like the Red Sox, Phillies, Angles, Yankees, Braves, etc are all underperforming. These organizations by the way, only consider a playoff spot as success (some only a WS ring).
I’ll keep putting myself through the pain of watching games and hope for a comeback like we saw last year. Plus, soon the NBA playoffs will be over and I’ll have nothing else to watch. I guess that’s just part of being a fan. At least I’m not a Chicago Cubs fan. Now they got it rough!
So that’s Sports: from the fan’s perspective.
Oh, and I have a little something fun. I enjoy giving players on my favorite team nicknames: so here are some from the D’backs. Feel free to include your favorite nicknames from your team as well.
Kirk Gibson - Gibby
Trevor Bauer - Bauer Outage
Craig Breslow - Smartest Man in Baseball
Trevor Cahill - The White Rabbit
Josh Collmenter - The Tomahawk
David Hernandez - Hardball
Daniel Hudson - Huddy
Ian Kennedy - Captain Red Beard
Joe Paterson - Joe Pats
JJ Putz - The Big Guy
Joe Saunders - Bazooka Joe, or “Joe”
Henry Blanco - Hommerin Henry
Miguel Montero - The Microwave, The Refrigerator, Miggy
Willie Bloomquist - Willie Broomstick, Willie Ballgame, WFB
Geoff Blum - Gi-Off
Stephen Drew - Wolf
Paul Goldshmidt - Goldy
John McDonald - Johnny Mac
Lyle Overbay - Lyle Overpay, Lyle Doubleplay, etc
Ryan Roberts - Tat Man
Jason Kubel - Kubo
Gerardo Parra - The Rooster/El Gallo
Justin Upton - J-Up
Chris Young - C.Y.